For some reason, girls have a hard time keeping two things clean and organized: their purse and their car.  Our rooms may be tidy, our clothes nice and neat, but we struggle with these two things and we don't realize the negative effect it has on us until we actually clean out our purse or car and feel the difference.  I heard somewhere how these things are an extension of ourselves...wow.

I'd like to share how I've been able to improve my messy purse situation...my car though is still another story.

Purse tips:

  • You gotta break down and admit that no matter how cute a purse may be, if it doesn't have the compartments and dividers you need, it will not be useful to you.  You may like walking around with that fancy, cute bag and get lots of compliments on it, but if someone asks you for your business card and you have to commence the dreaded "black hole ritual," then you have to choose between being Miss Fashion or Miss Professional.

  • Good News!  There is a source for purses that look awesome and keep you organized.  I've owned a LUG bag for years and no matter how many other purses I try out, I keep coming back to my LUG.  It still looks brand new and it serves so many purposes.  I use my LUG for:
- keeping my business catalogs and samples dent-free and easy to pull out in the middle of a conversation.
- rosary
- sunglasses
- wallet
- earphone
- toiletries, hair comb
- iPad
- business cards
- pens, highlighters
- there's even a compartment for a pair of shoes! (Yes, it's useful - I do sometimes change my shoes multiple times in a day)

All these items have their own spot in my purse.  Yes, there are that many compartments.  Gotta love LUG.  You can browse the LUG selection at www.luglife.com.  It's one of the best investments I've made. :)

  • Every night, I empty my purse so I can see what needs replenishing and what needs putting away.  For example:
- any business cards I get from other people needs to be put in my business card holder book and the information on the card needs to be entered into my contact system on my iPad.  I use a program called "base" that allows me to record memorable information about the person and schedule an action step I can take to turn that business card into someone I can network more with.  You can check it out at www.futuresimple.com  If you don't take immediate, constructive action with the business cards that people give you, they can become worthless fast.

- I replenish my own business cards.  It's not a nice feeling when you're in the middle of networking with someone and you realize that all your cards are at home!

- I replenish my business tools and materials.  My business goes where I go and not having any material with me is like saying, "I am closed for business."

- I take out any receipts and input the information onto the financial app on my iPad (I currently use "Money for iPad"). 

So, now you know my secret. ;)  However, the only way that you are going to maintain this habit is if you learn to see your purse as a tool that is supposed to help you build a life that works.  This is my mindset.  My purse helps me build my business, expand my network and feel supported in my intention to focus on what's important.  Is your purse dragging you down or lifting you up?

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