Free Printable - Month at a Glance

When we take the time to plan out our focus and goals for the month, it is so. much. easier. to plan out our weeks and days and feel like we're operating in harmony with a bigger vision for our lives.

This particular printable is extra special because it's from my Ultimate Life Binder kit and it has a section at the bottom reserved for reviewing the last 30 days at the end of each month. 
What worked? What didn't work? Do more. Do less.
I watched a video last night of Darren Hardy - the publisher of SUCCESS magazine - and what struck me the most in his talk was how he noticed that among all the super CEOs and achievers that he interviews, there is one common thread - they are all absolutely ruthless about EDITING.

What does that mean? Their job is to stick to the vision and say NO to whatever doesn't fall in line with that. 
Successful people aren't figuring out ways to do more things, they're figuring out ways to only do the vital few things that matter the MOST and edit out what doesn't.
I truly believe that by taking the time to PLAN and REVIEW with a printable like this, you can get better results in your life by simplifying, editing, and focusing wherever you can.

If you like this printable and want to check out the full Ultimate Life Binder kit, click the image below...

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