Start a Mastermind Group

Every Monday, we have a Mastermind meeting at a coffee shop in town.

We are a small group of women committed to making the most of our lives and holding each other accountable.

Thinking of starting your own mastermind group and need ideas on how to do it?

Here is the flow of how we do ours.


We meet once a week from 8am to 9:30am. We decided that meeting on Monday is best in order to start out the week with a powerful mindset and do a review of the previous week.


First, we go around the table and share something we learned from the books we read over the last week.


Next, we each share our "frog" from last week - that task that we really didn't feel like dealing with but did it any way...or made some kind of progress towards completing it.


Then we share what "frog" we are going to "eat" this week so that we feel accountable.
(By the way, to learn more about this frog thing, check out the book Eat that Frog by Brian Tracy)


And in between these steps, we talk, laugh, share stories, (even cry sometimes), help each other work through issues, and drink caramel macchiatos.

Mastermind meetings are powerful.  Choose your members carefully.  Keep the group small.  Stick to the agenda as much as possible.  And have fun! 

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