What if the goal that you're working on took 2 weeks to achieve instead of 12 months?
What if the level that you're working to reach in your business took 2 months instead of 2 years?
This is something I've been learning lately: We give ourselves too much time to complete something and, by doing so, we actually make the process of achieving our goal harder than it needs to be.
We need to start using our brain power in more creative and urgent ways. It takes very little creativity to map out how we can make something happen over the course of one to two years, but what if we really put our minds to work for us and entertained the "crazy idea" of making something big happen 5x sooner?
When I look back over anything significant I've achieved, it always took however long of a time I gave myself to make it happen.
I'm sure you've heard of the Parkinson's Law: "Work expands to fill the time available for its completion." Well, here are a couple of times when I took a big goal and made it happen in a matter of weeks when I used to think it would take much longer...